Pan de siete cielos for Shavuot
El pan de siete cielos is a rich fatty bread, flavoured with anise extract or arak. It is sculpted into shapes connected to Shavuot. Traditional shapes included some or all of the following:
- Mount Sinai
- The Torah
- 7 rungs of clouds, to represent the seven levels of heaven (hence, “the bread of the seven heavens”)
- Miriam’s Well
- Jacob’s Ladder
- A snake (because of the plague of snakes suffered by the Israelites in the wilderness, Numbers 21:6)
In this recipe, Kohenet Yael also adds:
This recipe is a vegan version by Kohenet Yael Tischler, who was inspired by this article in The Times of Israel. You can read more about Kohenet Yael’s journey with el pan de siete cielos here.

For the dough
For the glaze
To make your own anise extract (if needed)