
Vegetarian Food Takes Centre Stage at Gefiltefest Jewish Food Festival


Our Director Lara contacted the Jewish Chronicle this week:

‘In response to Dr Fleming’s letter in last week’s JC bemoaning the lack of meat at Gefiltefest, I would like to say how proud I was to see a large-scale Jewish event which saw vegetarian food take centre stage. The Jewish Vegetarian Society [jvs.org.uk] is celebrating this compassionate, eco-friendly, and health-conscious choice.

Fifty years on from our creation, at a time when billions of animals are suffering the torment of factory farming each year, we are more in-demand than ever before, with new members joining each week. Why? Because Judaism and vegetarianism go hand in hand.

Veggie food is vibrant and delicious, and a vital part of modern Jewish cuisine. Just take a look at Ottolenghi’s books, the sumptuous offerings at Zest at JW3 or our new season of cookery classes.’

This was in response to a letter printed last week, which read:

‘In previous incarnations of this event food of the whole community was involved. This year nobody making cholent, no sign of any kosher butchers, no sign of kosher restaurants that serve meat dishes… it appears to have been an event organised by the Vegetarian Society. When we queried this we were told it was because JW3 is anti-meat. In which case, Gefilfest should find another venue, otherwise a lot of us will stay away.’


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JVS: Jewish - Vegan - Sustainable
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