
Bristol is the vegan capital of the UK


Across the UK, people are spending more on vegan products, and plant based diets are trending more than ever online.

Recent reports state a 360% increase in vegans in Britain between 2006 – 2016, and while some Brits take up the vegan lifestyle due to their beliefs on animal cruelty, research finds that nearly a third of us (29%) adopt the diet in our quest for weight loss.

As well as over 3 million searches a month on Google, popularity for the vegan diet  also reflected on social media with 952,949 people using #Vegan across twitter and Instagram in the past year. 

Bristol was found to be the vegan capital of the UK (according to research carried out by The Hospital Group), with an average of 3,200 locals a month looking for information about the plant-based diet. London and Liverpool are also vegan hotspots with 1,800 and 1,600 locals adopting the vegan way of life respectively.

Supermarket brands across the UK are having to stock up on more vegan options to keep up with demand. Mintel has reported that the UK meat free food market is worth £572 million, up from £539 million only two years earlier.

So you may ask, why are more people going vegan? 

Mintel has reported that 49% of people have said that their biggest motivator for supporting veganism is due to either health reasons and second to this is for animal welfare concerns.


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